2 min readFeb 11, 2021


Second Language

Just simply talking might sometimes be hard for some, especially when there are times you forget how to say the proper words unlike when you write that you get a chance to revise, rephrase, or reword what you intend to say. When you talk, at some point your mouth will go first before your brain or your brain might process slow that your words turns to soup and you’ll start to sound gibberish. You may train by reading, writing, and constantly minding what you speak because just doing those is not enough. When you pick up words and try to correct what was wrong then it can become a good habit.

What about when speaking in another language?

You may be articulate in using your mother tongue it becomes a challenge when you have to communicate impromptu. I observed that most literally look up as if the words are written up there but its just simply a physical manifestation of what’s happening within when you’re translating what you want to convey and trying to speak of it. It’s fun when you think about it and having the chance to practice talking in a different language will enhance your mind in ways you wouldn’t imagine. Other than that, using different language can expand your audience and what you hear and see will broaden too. Hopefully you try to read more, and learn more to broaden your vocabulary.

I didn’t think that I would still be learning simple words after High school since I imagined that it is just talking. Communication goes beyond talking and words. There are also emotions, tone, pitch, and silence that can enhance what you are trying to say though I am most specially amazed by words that somehow feels like you can upgrade as a better sounding or a much more proper way to explain what you are saying.

